Wednesday, March 3, 2010


"These actors could quite possibly be the worst two actors I have seen in a long time."

Thanks to @TeamJasper2454 on twitter, I have stumbled across an upsetting post for all Jackson fans.

To prevent spoilers, I will just be presenting excerpts from the article and a link for you to read the rest if you wish.

Basically, this "author" [third] saw The Last Airbender in a new release. Who knows if this is even real (because I haven't read everything since I don't like the spoilers), but nonetheless, the pieces I did see, it looked legitimate. This article bashes the entire movie in a whole and I have a few inklings as to why:

1. He/She is not M. Night Shyamalan fans. Night has made movies that have bad reputations. Since he has adapted, written, produced, directed, you-name-it for this movie, they went in believing it would be horrible.

2. He/She hates Twilight.
"Here we are introduced to Katara (Nicola Peltz) and Sokka (Jackson Rathbone, mandatory TWILIGHT actor)."
Let's be honest, if you go in there hating Twilight, will you get over it and watch it with an open mind? Probably not.

3. The animation/editing wasn't all finished in this rough cut. According to one of the reviewers, the special effects were about "60%" done. Obviously, that means it's frustrating and not meant for the viewer yet.

What really bothers me about the biased review is their attack on the young Nicola Peltz (Katara; Jackson's onscreen younger sister). If you look on her IMDB, she is fresh in the Hollywood scene. It was like when that bozo said that Hannah Montana should just f**** her father on the radio. There is no need to bash a kid!! I don't mind them bashing Jackson because he comes with the Twilight label and stereotype despite the fact that he was the only one who actually acted in that movie as well!

"These actors could quite possibly be the worst two actors I have seen in a long time. I partially hope their is CGI to be added to their acting as they delivered each line as if this was a high school play."

WHAT?! The poor kid gets this kind of feedback? It's horrible. My solution: no bashing them/the website. Go and see the movie and based on your opinion, spread the word and either encourage people to go see it or encourage them not to see it. The end.
Here is the article, read at your own risk: aintitcool
My twitter: @barelybueno

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