Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Meyer's new project!

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: an eclipse novella
by Stephenie Meyer

Yes, you've heard it right. Stephenie Meyer has created another book to quench the thirst of her avid Twihards. In it she describes the life of a newborn [Bree] and other parties involved (Riley, Victoria, etc.) She explains in a new blog post:
"I was thinking a lot about the newborns, imagining their side of the story, and one thing led to another.
I started writing from Bree's perspective about those final days, and what it was like to be a newborn."

Along with the cover of the novella, Meyer shares with her fans a picture of Jodelle Ferland (who plays Bree in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse) sitting beside a bucket of "waterlogged ashes" that once was the manuscript. Both Ferland, Bryce Dallas Howard (Victoria in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse) and Xavier Samuels (Riley) had the privilege of reading this before and during their performance for the upcoming Twilight film. Here's the cover:
Check out her blog post: www.stepheniemeyer.com
Excited? Not so much? Tell me.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Every Monday on Twitter is known as #musicmonday. Whether it be low on the trending topics or high, I have gained a few followers on Twitter asking me to listen to their music and spread their craft. Since following Stephenie Meyer and her love for indie bands, I have been picking up random bands from various sites. Normally from YouTube or by various conversations. What I want to do with this blog post is recommend a few bands or artists like I normally do on Twitter, but this way I can get it out of my system in over 140 characters.

1. S P E N C E R B E L L
Since you're already listening to the artist (his playlist is on auto-play, hopefully you didn't stop it), I thought I'd mention him first.
- How did I find out about him? I'm a huge J*Action fan, as most of you can tell. Jackson Rathbone mentioned that Spencer's song Tourist best describes himself, so I went off to find the song. I'm always up for new music.
- Who is he? Spencer Bell was a brilliant singer/songwriter/poet/musician. He died of adrenal cancer at the young age of twenty, but his music is truly legendary. His music isn't mainstream. There's no poppy riff or "Gaga glam" to go along with it. His music tells a story and leaves quite a haunting echo behind him. (If you visit the links below, you can purchase his songs or merchandise and donate money to his cause.)
- Genius Player (sounds like...) If you like 100 Monkeys, The Stevedores, Band of Big Foot, or other garage indie bands than you'll like this. Have an open mind when you listen to his music. Don't discard him because he's no Justin Bieber. (ugh.)
- Where do I go to learn more? www.spencerbellmemorial.com or if you'd rather go to Twitter: @spencerbell or @spencerbellEU. Also, if you do love his music and have a twitter account, help spread #spencerbellislegendary so that we can one day have Spencer's memory as a trending topic.

2. J O S H W O O D W A R D
- How did I find out about him? Very simply: Kaleb Nation (the TwilightGuy/ShiverGuy).
- Who is he? An amazing singer/songwriter. He makes videos on YouTube showing his genuine talent and overall amiable personality. I've mentioned him in a past #musicmonday and he thanked me. I've commented his video on YouTube and he messaged me to reply. He's a poetic lyricist who deserves more fans.
- Genius Player (sounds like...) If you enjoy acoustic covers (Jason Mraz, Damien Rice, etc.) then you will love Woodward. I put a song of his in my Genius player and it gave me a wide variety from Coldplay to Death Cab for Cutie to Regina Spektor as similar genres and sounds. Not one of Woodward's songs are overpowering and he doesn't need to be masked by a quirky gimmick.
- Where do I go to learn more? He has a Twitter account (@JoshWoodward), a website (www.joshwoodward.com), and you can visit his YouTube account (/joshwoodward). Enjoy.

Maybe next monday or throughout the week I will add more bands and artists for you to check out. Until then...
Follow me on Twitter for other musical advice:

Saturday, March 13, 2010

New Hair

Who is in charge of this?!
new hair from The Twilight Saga

We Twihards have faced a lot of change from directors, to actresses, to editors, composers, contacts, wardrobe, makeup and more. Even the hair has changed throughout the movies. Here are the extreme changes.

First up, we have Nikki Reed, who plays Rosalie Hale in The Twilight Saga.
Above: Nikki in Twilight.
(Here she dyed her hair herself. It's much paler than in the next movie.)
above: Nikki in The Twilight Saga: New Moon
(Here her hair is golden and you can tell it is a wig.)
above: Nikki in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
(Here her hair is a wig once again, but it looks hardly noticeable.
It is a lot better than the last movie in my opinion.)

Nikki Reed Hair Change: SUCCESS! It looks lovely!

Next we have Jackson Rathbone, who plays Jasper Hale in The Twilight Saga.
Above: Jackson in Twilight.
(Here he dyed his hair for the part and it has it's signature messy curl.)
Above: Jackson in The Twilight Saga: New Moon
(Here, his hair is a wig and has repeatedly been compared with a dead cat.
Still curly and okay.)
Jackson in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
(... WTF? His natural hair or a wig? I can't even tell!
It's just hanging there looking awful! Not how I pictured Jasper at all!
Not how Jasper was described whatsoever! Why the change?)

Jackson Rathbone Hair Change: FAIL! What happened?!

It won't distract me from the movie, but whatever. You may notice that I don't post much on Kristen, Rob, and Taylor. I focus on the Cullens. They are under-appreciated. Another change was Esme's hair, but Elisabeth Reaser always looks lovely. ;)

Twitter: @barelybueno

Eclipse Sneak Peak

Eclipse Sneak Peak
What you may've missed!
After the horrible trailer, the sneak peak has sparked my interest once again. I am now excited to see it!
Below the clip are some parts to pause the clip and notice the changes:
- 1:06 the Cullens (Rosalie, Esme, Carlisle, Edward, and Bella). The wardrobe is darker to fit the tone of the movie.
- 0:13 Jackson's new hair. First the dead cat and now this shlop? I'm a little disappointed, but if you go to...
- 1:58 Jasper and Rosalie actually looking related. That never seemed right before. Whatever, I love Nikki's hair.
- 1:56 Jackson's hair looking better than before. If you saw it at 0:13, look again here. Looks a lot better!
- 1:40 Rosalie and Jasper fighting. Fast reflexes will be slowed down like in New Moon? Who knows?
- 1:50 Alice and Esme looking gorgeous. I think the wardrobe is perfect. Reminds me of Harry Potter when they finally changed it after three movies.
- 1:18 Bella's hair! Everyone who was complaining that the wig was bad, go to this clip! I don't understand you guys.
- 0:31 sneak peak of Bryce Dallas Howard green screen. I wondered how they did these kind of scenes!
- 0:50 Rumored to be the first scene of the movie: Xavier Samuels and Bryce Dallas Howard in Riley's transformation.
- 0:59 Newborn army looking awesome!!

Besides that, the clip is filled with shots of Mike Welch, Christian Serratos, the naked wolves (half-naked, ladies, don't get your hopes up!), Bella and Edward snuggling, Jacob and Bella walking down a path, etc. Like Jodelle Ferland (Bree) said: the movie revolves around Bella, Edward, and Jacob. There will be more Cullens and Wolves in this movie, but not too much, so don't rant and rave, you guys!

What do you think of David Slade?
Twitter: @barelybueno

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Eclipse Trailer Review

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Trailer Review
In my opinion? Horrible.
I know, the Cullens weren't in it and that could be a contributing factor as to why I hated it, but that's not all. Most of the trailer was scenery. It was mountain-shots, meadow-shots, the beach, etc. I love David Slade's twitpics throughout the process, but I felt like the trailer was nothing. Shane Dawson agreed:
Another thing, Bryce Dallas Howard as Victoria? I'm a huge Rachelle fan and Bryce is not my favorite person, but even in the trailer she wasn't so good. She's supposed to be angry here:
She looks scared! Victoria would never show fear. While the other cast members had months to dive into their characters, she had weeks! Rachelle knew Victoria inside and out. She seeks revenge. She doesn't care what baggage comes with it. It's blind, malicious revenge. Seeing Bryce as Victoria is like when you tap someone on the shoulder at a Halloween Party and it was not who you thought it was. It's awkward. You have to remind yourself that it's a new Victoria. It's a little confusing as well.
And to go back to the point that it was all talking or scenery (oh, and add a shirtless Taylor Lautner for good measure)! WHAT THE HECK!? Randomly shirtless! Okay, we get that he's buff and even TwiMoms are in love with the now legal hunk, but come on! Put some drama into the trailer. It doesn't even look like a movie.

If you didn't have enough edited and done with, Summit, don't post anything! We can wait! Besides, you posted this crap early, so you weren't timing with the Remember Me premiere! I get it, it's a lot of action, you switched editors, directors, actresses, but please! Don't rush on this. Push off the date if you have to! We can wait! We'll be pissed, but we can wait!

The one thing I did like: the Volturi. Didn't expect to see them! It was nice! Dakota Fanning's eye shadow was a little weird, but other than that...
Didn't post the trailer as you can see, but click here if you are one of the few who has not seen it.
Twitter: @barelybueno
If you don't agree with me, cool, just be civil and intelligent.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


"These actors could quite possibly be the worst two actors I have seen in a long time."

Thanks to @TeamJasper2454 on twitter, I have stumbled across an upsetting post for all Jackson fans.

To prevent spoilers, I will just be presenting excerpts from the article and a link for you to read the rest if you wish.

Basically, this "author" [third] saw The Last Airbender in a new release. Who knows if this is even real (because I haven't read everything since I don't like the spoilers), but nonetheless, the pieces I did see, it looked legitimate. This article bashes the entire movie in a whole and I have a few inklings as to why:

1. He/She is not M. Night Shyamalan fans. Night has made movies that have bad reputations. Since he has adapted, written, produced, directed, you-name-it for this movie, they went in believing it would be horrible.

2. He/She hates Twilight.
"Here we are introduced to Katara (Nicola Peltz) and Sokka (Jackson Rathbone, mandatory TWILIGHT actor)."
Let's be honest, if you go in there hating Twilight, will you get over it and watch it with an open mind? Probably not.

3. The animation/editing wasn't all finished in this rough cut. According to one of the reviewers, the special effects were about "60%" done. Obviously, that means it's frustrating and not meant for the viewer yet.

What really bothers me about the biased review is their attack on the young Nicola Peltz (Katara; Jackson's onscreen younger sister). If you look on her IMDB, she is fresh in the Hollywood scene. It was like when that bozo said that Hannah Montana should just f**** her father on the radio. There is no need to bash a kid!! I don't mind them bashing Jackson because he comes with the Twilight label and stereotype despite the fact that he was the only one who actually acted in that movie as well!

"These actors could quite possibly be the worst two actors I have seen in a long time. I partially hope their is CGI to be added to their acting as they delivered each line as if this was a high school play."

WHAT?! The poor kid gets this kind of feedback? It's horrible. My solution: no bashing them/the website. Go and see the movie and based on your opinion, spread the word and either encourage people to go see it or encourage them not to see it. The end.
Here is the article, read at your own risk: aintitcool
My twitter: @barelybueno

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Eclipse Trailer

Eclipse Trailer Predictions
The Eclipse trailer is set to be played before Summit's new hit starring Robert Pattinson entitled Remember Me.
Here are my predictions of what will be shown and what won't.

Will Be Shown:
- Obviously lots of Bella/Edward or more Robsten for the diehard fans who wish they were dating in real life.
- Taylor Lautner shirtless will be a possibility because that certainly brought a few extra viewers to New Moon.
- Love triangle type of vibe. They will show Jacob/Bella/Edward tension.
- SPOILERS because let's be honest, all of New Moon was given away in the first few trailers. (Jacob was a werewolf [which I found fun to find out on my own], the Volturi, Edward's need for suicide, motorcycles, cliff-diving, papercut, etc. All the main action sequences were shown in bits and pieces).
- Action sequence of some sort. Maybe a quick cut, maybe less or maybe more.
- Bryce Dallas Howard ... I am still making a "Team Rachelle" shirt to wear to opening night.

Probably Not:
- A lot of special effects: because the movie isn't finished, they only edited a few scenes to cut through for the teaser.
- Minor characters (Cullens/Wolves in human form): let's hope for a flash at the Cullens in action, but don't expect it. Don't expect Rosalie and Jasper's pasts to be shown in the trailer (or even in the final cut of the movie -knock on wood-).
- Bree and Riley; other minor characters.

Anything I missed? Anything you hope I was wrong or right about? Are you not going to see this trailer for the element of surprise come June 30th, 2010? Leave a comment or let me know on twitter.

PS. they changed back to the same editor of Twilight (who was on Hardwicke's team) to "balance" out the elements. check out eclipsemovie.org for more details.

Hilly Hindi

Happy Birthday, Hilly!
Is that a gray hair?
(New Moon)
(The Dark Knight)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Movie vs. Original

Race-bending? Protesting? RELAX.
I get it, believe me, I do. I loved Nickelodeon's Avatar: The Last Airbender long before the movie was even talked about.
M. Night Shlamablablah may be a crack director according to some, but let's think about it:
If any other director picked this up, you'd have something to complain about!
So, let us all relax and wait until July 2nd, 2010 to complain.

Watch this if you are unconvinced:

As said in the video, it's JUST A MOVIE!!
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My Twitter: @barelybueno