Busy Day [1/31/10]
So I woke up this morning to see this:
Jackson has a black eye because someone tried to steal his guitar. He went after the guy and got his guitar back, but he did get punched in the face. Poor guy. Want to read more on it? Click here.
What else happened today?
Well it happened yesterday, last night. As most of you diehard 100 Monkeys fans have heard: they have been banned from the Hard Rock Cafe in Vegas. Why? Well it's a long story, but click here to read more about it.
So then people have been flooding the Hard Rock Cafe's fanpage, becoming fans just to blast them about how horrible they are for treating the 100 Monkeys the way they did (again, click the link if you don't know what happened) and the best post I saw was this:
Don't mess.
HAHAHAHHA I love it. I want to friend her just because of that. :)
Finally, I won a Spencer Bell button. Yeah, I know, not a big deal to most, but I'm proud and excited. @SpencerBellEU on Twitter held a contest where they tweeted Spencer Bell's lyrics. The one with the most correct at the end would win. I tied with @graciebob40160. Congrats! :)
Busy day. Well, there is school tomorrow and then February break coming up. Happy Grammy night!
my twitter: @barelybueno
those mentioned: @newmoonmovie