Sunday, January 31, 2010

Busy Day!

Busy Day [1/31/10]
So I woke up this morning to see this:
Jackson has a black eye because someone tried to steal his guitar. He went after the guy and got his guitar back, but he did get punched in the face. Poor guy. Want to read more on it? Click here.

What else happened today?
Well it happened yesterday, last night. As most of you diehard 100 Monkeys fans have heard: they have been banned from the Hard Rock Cafe in Vegas. Why? Well it's a long story, but click here to read more about it.
So then people have been flooding the Hard Rock Cafe's fanpage, becoming fans just to blast them about how horrible they are for treating the 100 Monkeys the way they did (again, click the link if you don't know what happened) and the best post I saw was this:
Don't mess.
HAHAHAHHA I love it. I want to friend her just because of that. :)

Finally, I won a Spencer Bell button. Yeah, I know, not a big deal to most, but I'm proud and excited. @SpencerBellEU on Twitter held a contest where they tweeted Spencer Bell's lyrics. The one with the most correct at the end would win. I tied with @graciebob40160. Congrats! :)

Busy day. Well, there is school tomorrow and then February break coming up. Happy Grammy night!
my twitter: @barelybueno
those mentioned: @newmoonmovie

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lyrics to Clippity Clop

Lyrics to Clippity Clop
[- 100 Monkeys; Grape]

Baby girl, you walk so slow you,
got grass growing at your heels,
baby girl.

Baby girl, when you walk so slow
it seems to me there's no place you're
heading to.

Me I'm on a train that hits the tracks,
it makes a sound that goes:
clicky clack click-a-dickity-clack click-a-dickity clack click-a-dickity clack
as I head quickly in the wrong direction
direction, direction]

All the stupid things I've ever done,
never jumped from the train,
oh no.
When you're in the air, you just don't care.
Nothing's in your mind.

Then you hit the ground, it makes a sound,
your body goes:
flippity-flop, flip-a-dippity flop,
flip-a-dippity flop, flip-a-dippity flop

Then you're down and you're stuck in place.
place. place.]

-musical interlude-
"Get down brother."
"All right!"

I open up my eyes and a blurry smile comes into view;
oh my god, it's you.
I feel a hand run up my thigh,
the other grabs my shirt,
oh my god, it worked.

Then you take my wallet and you run away.
Me, my broken heart it makes a sound,
it goes:
pitter pitter pat, pitter pitter pat pat, pitter pitter pat pat, pitter pitter pat pat.

How could I have been such a silly fool?
fool. fool.]


Want me to continue posting Monkey lyrics?
Tell me on twitter: @

Thursday, January 21, 2010

JACKSHLEY: too obvious?

Jackshley: Same Shirt?
you decide.
Jackson Rathbone out for the Eclipse cast dinner on August 5th, 2009:
Ashley Greene out with polished RPATTZ wannabe and Eclipse co-star, Xavier Samuels, on August 22nd:
Maybe they just shop together... -rolls eyes- Really, guys? Stop touring the world and date at least. :P

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A nice little .gif!

So I sign onto facebook and I have one notification. My sister sent me this:
isn't she awesome? lol

Sunday, January 10, 2010

J*Action strikes again!

Jackson Rathbone, behind the drum set, tells a joke to pass the time at Launchpad, Albuquerque
before they sing Spencer Bell's The Monkey Song.
(I suppose to just pass the time so the monkey switcheroo can run smoothly.)
Does anyone else love when Ben Johnson sings? Seriously, .38 Special and The Monkey Song are most played on my iTunes.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Forgive the Pun...

Jackson Rathbone prepares a few puns for the little delay before "Prayer"
After a little delay with the bass guitar strap, J-Action gives a few of his infamous banana puns to pass the time.
"Well he is a-peeling..."

Hillywood Show!

The Hillywood Show
starring Hannah and Hilly Hindi
(@hannahhindi and @hillyhindi on twitter)

New Moon Parody:

and if you haven't seen it...
Twilight Parody:

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Dream: 1/2/2010

January 2nd, 2010
Last night I went to bed around two AM. I left the television on, so maybe that's why I had this weird dream...

I was i my room, but my room was somehow a classroom and Elisabeth Reaser (Esme in the Twilight Saga movies) was my teacher and she was using magic tricks to teach me. Her twin, or someone like her twin, was teaching in the other room (my parents' room). So we were joking and laughing and I started to complain that no one else was in the room, so she went in the hallway and got Kellan to join us.

So Kellan comes in and slips up by saying he had an illegitimate child and that he's secretly thirty years old. Weird, yeah. So my TV is on and suddenly Kellan is on the TV screen with his kid, hugging her after a bad day at school before they cut to a commercial.

The school calls and I'm kicked out for skipping. So CPS [child protective services] gives me a new home with some random woman. She's nice, but very organic. Her front yard is filled with tall grass and wild flowers that curl over at the top to make a dome-like path to the house. We go to the backyard.

It looks like a savannah with various art pieces set up like there's a show case. Behind the art were little wooden posts and ten foot vultures lined up.

My friend was with me and went up to scare one. They fell back only to get up and swoop down to attack her, but she dodged it. We slowly left, but the last thing I remember is tiny red spiders crawling all over me and then I woke up.

What does it mean? No idea.