Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My New Moon Full Trailer Review

I loved it, but was also disappointed.

Being a huge Jackson and Jasper fan, I was ecstatic that they didn't add more of the birthday party scene in this trailer. I vowed that if they started with that, I would stop watching. I know they will release that clip before the movie comes out because they did that with the "Meet the Cullens" kitchen scene before Twilight. I hate that Summit knows no boundaries on spoilers.

I KNOW! We're all waiting impatiently and anything we can get is good enough, but that's not true! I personally didn't like New Moon. I enjoyed that I found out with Bella what Jacob was hiding and I hated how I was handed Twilight and told, "read this, the guy's a vampire." I like to be surprised! Still, I didn't like how my ideal man turned into a moron and left. Eclipse is my favorite, but I have to wait until June for that one.

Anyway, here's my review:

Dakota Fanning? AMAZING. Her contacts are awesome, they really got the eyes down in this movie. As for opening with a Volturi scene, I think that's good. SPOILER: Peter Facinelli is in the background so it isn't a present scene, it is a flashback. It's good that Edward explains the Volturi to Bella and the audience in the trailer for us to be familiar with it.

Ashley Greene? I like the new wig and contacts, again, but I am not a big fan anymore. Yes, the naked picture scandal is being handled, but I don't think she can act very well. Every model wants to be an actress and I don't like how one-sided she is throughout the whole trailer. Okay, okay, they show Alice twice and it's supposed to be the same emotion, but come on! She's lifeless.

I'm excited and dreading the "This is the last time you'll ever see me" scene. If they keep it abrupt and don't have Bella lying on the ground twitching, I think it'll be good. I dunno, we'll see. I think Rob can handle it.

WTF, VOLVO! Yes, Tyra gave away the Volvo from Twilight, but this is like a dark black almost. Weird...
[PS. Christian and Justin are holding hands xD]

Screaming, Kristen? Is that necessary? I think I may look forward to the nightmare scenes. I've seen some spoiler pictures and they look good. :)

Taylor Lautner is a great actor. He understands his character, the transformation, his addiction to Bella, and I think he will give this role justice.

Cliff diving scene? I wish they didn't show it. SPOILS TOO MUCH, SUMMIT! For those of you who haven't read the books or didn't finish New Moon yet, you have been given the entire ending. OBVIOUSLY, Bella and Edward are fine in the end cause they're making another sequel. Come on, Summit, really?! Still, the fade in of Edward and Bella in the water and Jacob pulling her away is an amazing visual! Props to Chris Weitz, I think he did a phenomenal job!!

Ashley Greene, why? Bella looked teary eyed. Hmmm.... Taylor? AMAZING AGAIN. I love Jacob's character and the, "Stay for me," line is delivered perfectly.

Again the Volturi is shown. I hope they show his asking to be killed or at least a silent flash of it in a vision or something? I want to see his side.



I'm scared, too, KSTEW. Scared this will give too much away...

Too late.

LAURENT! I LOVE LAURENT! I love Edi Gathegi. I'm pissed his character dies. He was/is BAMF. That wolf thing will be sweet.

So am I more excited for the Volturi or the wolves?

THE VOLTURI! Are you joking?! I'M SO EXCITED! :) I cannot wait for that pain-effect Jane has and the fight between Edward and Demetri (?).

All in all, I am excited. I think it will be great, I'm upset Jackson won't be in this movie much, but I'm excited. Chris Weitz grasped the tone of this movie beautifully from what I've seen and I think the nightmares and keeping Edward present will match the concept in the book. Not once did Bella not think or mention Edward internally. Keeping him around in the movie will bring out that effect. With all the wire work and special effects, I am keeping my expectations low, but hopefully it will leave me thirsty for more.

THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: For you Twilight Fans who believe this new book-to-television-screen series is copying Twilight, think again. The Vampire Diaries was published 10+ years before Twilight was even dreamt of. I enjoy both series and I think that giving both a chance is the right thing to do.

Also, Eclipse filming is continuing. You are all getting tweets from @DAVID_A_SLADE and @peterfacinelli but there is another Twicastmember on Twitter. Her name is Ashley Greene: @AshleyMGreene is confirmed by her reps and by her onscreen father Peter Facinelli to be the real deal. To follow up on these Eclipse filming details, follow all of them and me at @barelybueno :)

Jackson fans: I have a youtube account extraordinarygeek. Type that into the search and there are two radio interviews there that are recent. One of Jackson solo and another of Jackson and his band 100 Monkeys. Enjoy.